Thursday, February 3, 2011

.Blah Day. 02.03.11

I am not so sure it can get any colder outside! (21 degrees to be exact) So what do I do? I couldn't take it anymore. (I've waited an entire week)... I got the camera out and went to Maumelle Park to fire her up for the first time! I have been kind of blah today, and felt like using my black and white capabilities. Not all the photos I take are always black and white, but my mood and my emotions always come out in my photography and I love it. It feels very soul cleansing.

.Happyness Magnet.

.Yes. My dog has the radar dish for 10 days! She is now a woman.


  1. These are beautiful photographs Rachel. I wish I had just half your talent. I LOVE black and white pictures!

  2. That looks like a great place for a skate park! Beautiful. I love how crisp they all are!

  3. I really love the lighting/shadows in the fourth picture & your dog is so cute!

  4. Rach.... As always I love your work. The black and whites are amazing!!! Have fun with your new camara and do what you do your heart and take AWESOME pics!!!

    Love and Light as awlays my friend
